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Founder of Homoeopathy

Dr.Hahnemann was founder of Homoeopathy. He was a physician. Apart from that he was competent chemist, a good minerologist, botanist and an able translator of eight different languages. After six years of experiment Dr. Hahnemann Published his first book on Homoeopathy in 1796 since than Homoeopathy is in practice.

Homoeopathy is an alternative medicine based on theory of treating "Like cures Like". Dr. Hahnemann was the first person to recognize the importance of individualization in treating the sick. No two persons are alike. Each individual is different in his physical, mental and behavioral patterns. " Treat the patient, not the disease" is in core of Homoeopathy.

Aims of Homoeopathy

Complete Cure

Prevention of Disease

Fast Recovery

Gentle Treatment

Area of Expertise

Individual Approach

Strengthen Immunity

Easy to Administer Medicine

Natural Medicines

No side effects

Preventive Treatment

One medicine cover all complains

Best for all ages

Goes best with other medication

Covers all diseases

No Adverse effects

Curative Treatment

Areas of Expertise

Uniqueness of Homoeopathy

 Medical science with Philosophy

Case Taking

Sweet Medicine

Minimum medicine gives Maximum result

One medicine cures all complains


Mind and Physical symptoms covered for treatment

Consultant Homoeopath

Dr.Leena Padia

Practice Location

Bay Area Homoeopathy Center

612 Picasso Ter

Sunnyvale CA


Tel: (408) 306 2976

© Dr Leena Padia

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